Are you disappointed with the supply of hot water in your home or business? Are you dealing with leaks, loud noises, or water with strange smells and odors? If so, then you are in need of a professional plumber to help correct your water heater issues as soon as possible. Taking care of these issues is not just to improve your comfort but also to protect your family from dangerous temperature fluctuations and potentially serious issues with your plumbing system.

How Often Should You Repair/Replace Your Water Heater?

When it comes to maintaining your water heater and extending its lifespan, you will need to have routine maintenance performed. In a general sense, most water heaters will last somewhere between eight to twelve years, with some lasting almost two decades. There are many different factors that can affect the overall health and lifespan of your appliance, ranging from the initial installation, the make and model of the appliance, and the amount of maintenance you perform on it throughout its lifetime.

When making the best choices for your water heater, you will want to have your water heater professionally flushed out at least once a year. This means your tank will be completely drained and then refilled with clean water. This is helpful because it removes any sediment that is building up inside your tank. When this sediment is left to continue collecting it can lead to severe damage and ultimately clog your plumbing system. Your routine maintenance may also include an inspection and deep cleaning of the water heater’s coils, rods, and other pieces.

Signs You Need Water Heater Maintenance

There are some signs that you may notice between your annual maintenance that are indicators of a problem with your water heater. If you notice any of the following problems contact our team immediately to avoid dangerous disruptions with your appliance.

  • Leaking Tank: Leaks are always serious indicators that there is an issue with your plumbing. Not only is it showing something is dysfunctional it is causing moisture to reach places it should not which can lead to mold and mildew. Not all leaks are easy to spot, check for discoloration around your water heater, damp carpet, and musty smells.
  • Low Water Pressure: Low water pressure is a serious disruption that can be a sign that you have a problem with your water heater. This is often a sign that a buildup of minerals or other types of sediment. The water pressure may also be suffering due to a kink in a pipe, or simply because of poor installation.
  • Sound of Clinking: It is normal to hear a few sounds coming from your water heater, here and there. However, if these noises become constant or disruptive, this is a sign that there is an issue with your plumbing or appliance. Reach out to our team right away to correct the issue before it gets worse.
  • Rusty Colored Water: Rusty-colored water is another clear indicator of sediment building up inside of your tank. Having professional maintenance performed can help you to eliminate these minerals, increasing the quality of your water and allowing for a more pleasant color and smell.

At the first sign of an issue with your water heater contact the professionals at Spindletop Plumbing LLC. Our plumbers will work with you to quickly diagnose and correct the issue you are experiencing. We maintain the most competitive rates in the industry and are here to restore full functionality to your plumbing system.

Water Heater Maintenance in Nederland, TX

At Spindletop Plumbing LLC, nothing means more to us than the happiness and satisfaction of our customers. We are a state-licensed and insured, locally owned, service and repair plumbing company located in Nederland, Texas. From small repairs to major reconstructions, our team is here to find the best plumbing solutions for your space. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer and how we can increase the functionality of your space.


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